10 Hours / 1 Day
Pre-Requisites: Swiftwater Rescue - Operations
This course is for personnel who operate and search in moving water, classified as high risk and are involved in the coordination and supervisory functions.
The Technician level requires students to demonstrate advanced skills, knowledge, and techniques for hazard recognition, equipment use, and procedures necessary to safely and effectively coordinate, perform and supervise a technical swift water incident.
Advanced concepts are employed in rescue strategies, site management, team leadership, hazard mitigation, equipment and resource management, and information gathering. Technical rescue preplanning, as well as rescue scene management and termination, are explored and developed in this program.
Main Teaching Points
- Review of self-rescue techniques
- Strainers, log jams, rock sieves, foot entrapments
- Communications and leadership
- Risk vs benefit analysis
- Load sharing anchors
- Picket systems
- Boat operations
- Low head dam rescue
- Overturned boat rescue
- Highlines
- Vehicle in water extrication
- Night operations
Main Teaching Points
(As per NFPA 1006 and 1670 JPR's)
Awareness Level
- Recognize the need for technical rescue resources at an incident
- Establish scene safety zones
- Identify and support an Operations- or Technician-level incident
- Size up an incident
Operations Level
- Construct rope systems particular to the swiftwater rescue needs of the AHJ
- Support operations, given a designated mission
- Assess moving water conditions
- Perform a non-entry rescue in the swiftwater and flooding environment
- Terminate an incident
Technician Level
- Perform an entry rescue in the swiftwater and flooding environment
- Negotiate a designated swiftwater course
- Perform a swiftwater rescue from a rescue platform such as a vessel